Start a plan to pay off debt and invest

Ask me Anything: Get your Money Questions Answered

Ask me anything get your money questions answered

Is money on your mind? Do you have a dilemma? You feel stuck, anxious, and overwhelmed about your finances. You don’t know who to turn to and it’s isolating!

Managing money is hard. You don’t need to figure it out on your own. This week I’m carving out some time to answer your money questions.

Ask me anything: get your money questions answered.


Join the Best Money Class Ever newsletter, and you’ll get the link to schedule a time to chat with me here.

I know talking about money is very taboo and awkward. Money questions aren’t easy to bring up to friends or family! And googling your problems will land you down the internet rabbit hole.

Dealing with money, debt, investing, and bills isn’t easy. There’s a lot of fear, anxiety, and stress. Now-a-days everything is so expensive to make matters worse.

It’s hard to know where to start or what to do.

I’m making it my life’s mission to help YOU. Think of me as your personal finance consultant to help you reach your money goals.

This is a chance for you to get an unbiased third-party opinion with money. AMA is the perfect time for you to get answers to your money questions!

This is for you if you:

  • Have a money conundrum
  • Need emotional support with money
  • Want to get unstuck and get quick practical advice

RSVP to take the FREE intro to Best Money Class Ever and as a bonus you can schedule your 20-minute session here to AMA (available for free for a limited time!).

When you book your slot, you’ll be prompted to fill in your money questions, and I have a few questions for YOU! I want to know what your money goals are.

You’ll get a FREE 20-page downloadable guide with a step-by-step plan with money. Fill in your guide and send it to me. I’ll review your basic finance plan to give you specific tips so you can reach your money goals.

Start a plan to pay off debt and invest

No one talks about money, credit card debt, student loans, it just doesn’t happen. Let’s break the financial ice. Let me know what is on your mind and we’ll chat soon.

❤️ Carly

Carly DeFelice

Hey! I'm Carly

You don’t need to figure this money stuff out on your own. I paid off $35,000 of debt and saved $100,000 by age 26 (earning only average pay). If I can turn things around, you can too!  

Start a plan to pay off debt and invest.

Start a plan to pay off debt and invest

I’ll teach you a simple step-by-step plan to get out of debt and invest.

Real People. Real Results.

kim best money class ever

Kim paid off $45k in 28 months

Jessica and Matthias best money class ever

Jessica and Matthias paid off $61k in 20 months

Loren and Bryce best money class ever

Loren and Bryce tripled their net worth in two years.

“I really enjoyed the enthusiasm and the way Best Money Class Ever helped me acquire a mindset to focus on money. Having a mentor and a process around something as important as money is really critical. Thank you for the guidance. I like the format and the presentations are very helpful.” Alex

“I enrolled to gain confidence and remove anxiety around money” Charlotte

You can pay off debt and build savings too! All you need is an education and a solid plan.

Let’s Get social!


The Ultimate Guide to Managing Money

Why didn’t they teach this money stuff in school?!

Join me in this live free class to get the financial education you need! 

  • Tuesday, June 13th
  • 6:30-8:00 PM Central

This is the roadmap you’ve been looking for with money. Download the free 20-page guide to start a plan to pay off debt and invest.