You can make extra $5,000- $10,000 a year. Meet Jordan Schraeder. She’s not your typical blonde 20-something, this girl knows how to hustle. Whoever said millennials are lazy, well they haven’t met Jordan. She currently works as the Public Affairs Specialists within the International Office at UT in Austin.
Here’s How to Make an Extra $5,000- $10,000 a Year
On the side, Jordan works a part-time job as a hostess at a local Thai restaurant. First she admitted that she was initially iffy on the idea of working a second job at a restaurant, but very quickly got over it.
“I have the supplementary income. I’ve learned something about an industry that I didn’t know about previously,” said Jordan.
She loves her full-time job on campus, but she calls her workspace in a cubicle, “the dungeon,” and looks forward to getting out on her feet and interacting with people.
What was her motivation to get a side hustle?
She said, “I’d rather be spending my time making money versus finding ways to spend it.”
The motivation is that she never wants to live paycheck to paycheck. Here’s how to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Contributing to her IRA and 401(k) plan is important to her. Plus, she’s tackling debt.
Jordan considers having student loan debt as baggage. Instead of looking for ways to extend her loans she said, “That’s one thing I would rather not carry around with me.”
Working an extra 10-15 hours is worth it to be in a better financial position. Chances are right out of college you won’t pulling in a six-figure income. If you want to have a higher income than you currently do it’s simple: take on a side hustle.
Working a few hours a week extra translates into an additional $5,000- $10,000 annually.
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How a side hustles pay off and can advance your career and life.
Jordan’s work ethic has always been strong. While studying Journalism at UT, she interned with Austin Monthly, Daily Texan, and the Alcalde. Her internships directly lead to her first job as Assistant Editor with the Alcalde. Within a year she received a promotion and a new position on campus with the international office.
It isn’t all work and no play, Jordan still has a very active social life. She goes out with friends, ran a half-marathon, and volunteers on the Texas Exes Young Alumni Committee.
“I thrive under that pressure and being busy,” said Jordan.
She is practically a millennial Super-Woman, because even with working an extra job and being involved with her community she can still veg out and binge watch Netflix. At 23, I’d say she has the whole time-management-thing down to a science.
What is her reward for all the hard work? She’ll be heading off to Aruba for a summer vacation.
You can make an extra $5,000-$10,000 extra too!