Do you feel like you’re in a financial rut? Looking for ways to save money fast? It’s easy to feel helpless when looking at your mound of student debt. Maybe this year you have a gazillion out of town weddings to attend, or you’re stuck living paycheck to paycheck.
Money is a huge part of our lives and when things get tight this isn’t exactly something you’d post on Facebook looking for recommendations.
Here are 19 brilliant ways to save money fast.
Save on Your Fixed Expenses
1. Get rid of your cable. The average cost of cable monthly is $103.10, or $1237.20 a year.
2. Add friends or family to your cell phone plan to get a lower cost monthly. Here’s a comparison of the best cell phone family plans.
3. Shop around to save on health, home, and auto insurance. Here’s a site where you can compare rates and see the five most common ways to save on auto insurance.
4. Get rid of subscriptions like OnStar, Spotify, Netflix’s, etc.
5. Cancel your gym membership. Instead do workouts at home like running or make a one-time purchase of a workout program.
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Save on Food and Drinks
6. Take your lunch to work versus eating out. Not sure if that will make a difference? Instead of eating out for lunch every day, by brown baggin’ it you can save thousands of dollars a year. Find out how much are you spending on food compared to others here.
7. Meal plan by making a list of what you need for your meals each week to avoid impulse buys.
8. Buy generic versus name brand items when grocery shopping.
9. Buy a water filter versus drinking bottled water.
10. When eating out, order water versus soda or alcohol.
Save with Your Bank
11. Avoid using ATMs other than your banks and find a bank that has no monthly service fees. The average American spends $290 a year on bank fees.
12. Negotiate down the interest rates on your credit card to save in interest.
13. Make day to day purchases with cash versus a credit card, studies say you’ll save on average 12-18%.
14. Setup auto savings so a percentage of your income is saved no matter what, and the money isn’t there to spend.
Other Ways to Save
15. Use what you already have versus constantly buying new clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.
16. Peer pressure is real, so hang out with frugal friends.
17. Buy birthday cards, gift wrapping, and tissue paper at dollar stores to spend .50 cents versus a few dollars on these items.
18. Stop smoking, you’ll save money now on cigarettes and spend less in medical costs down the road.
19. Check out books and movies for free at the library. If the book you want isn’t at your local library, you can usually submit a transfer and have it delivered from another branch.
No matter what your financial situation is, you can always turn things around. Try at least one of these brilliant ways to save money fast now. When in doubt: save money, by not spending money!