Getting rid of your student loans or credit card debt doesn’t mean you’ve gotta put your social life on hold. We are hardwired to be social and connect with others, even during your journey to becoming debt-free.
Here are five epic ways to be social while paying off debt.
1. Play Ball
Join a sports and social league to have an amazing time meeting new people, get your exercise in, and find your inner child (kickball as an adult is SOOOO FUN!). When I was hustling to pay off debt, I joined this sports league which is about $45 for a season. This translated into being highly entertained for just $6.42 a night. Not, bad! Or whatever your favorite sport is you can find pick-up games on and show up to play for free.
2. Take Advantage of Happy Hours
Instead of going out with friends for appetizers, drinks, and dinner, just meetup for a happy hour. Search for amaze-ball deals on drinks. You can find reverse happy hours that are during later hours too. Here’s five apps to find the best happy hours.
Related Posts:
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- How to Be Social without Spending a Ton of Money
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3. Get Plugged in at Church
Millennials at large are leaving organized religious institutions behind, but Live Science, reports that church goers live longer.
Being a part of an active church community is good for the soul and a way to feel connected while you are getting your financial house in order and adulting. Church offers endless social opportunities: bible studies, retreats, and volunteering. Your wallet and your spirituality will thank you.
4. Host a Potluck Game Night
Potlucks are cool again! During my early twenties and post-college life, every few months or so I’d invite friends over for a fun filled night-in with food and games. With Facebook event invites it’s easier than ever to host a potluck shindig where you provide a main dish, and everyone brings a side or drink along with their favorite game.
Sure, buying a board game upfront will cost ya, but once you have a game or two, you’ll have some good ol’ fashioned fun. Here’s a list of great games to play.
5. Go on Coffee Dates
Spend some quality time catching up with friends on a coffee date. Yes, the markup on coffee is outrageous, but opt for a simple coffee or tea that’s around $2.
You can also order an iced coffee for $2.45 and add a flavored syrup like peppermint, vanilla, hazelnut, etc. for free. Confession: free syrup with iced coffee is news to me, and my mind is BLOWN! Why Starbucks, why, have you been hiding free syrup flavors from me!? Here’s a complete list of the syrups Starbucks offers for free.
When paying off debt, don’t put your life on hold.
Enjoy your life now with these five epic ways to be social while you’re paying off debt.