There’s an epidemic of a new virus outbreak. Your car needs a major repair. Or you lose your job. Are you on the receiving end of bad news? How can you deal with bad news?
Here are four quick tips on what to do when you get bad news.
1. Control the controllables
There are certain things that are simply 100% out of your control, like the weather. If a tornado passes through your town there is nothing you can do to stop it from coming. Sometimes bad things happen and it is not your fault! With bad news handle it by focusing your time and energy on the controllables, or what you can control. Your behavior, response, or attitude is always in your control.
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2. Expect the unexpected
Like Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” No one visions having health issues, but things happen when you least expect them. It’s easier to process bad news when you start expecting the unexpected.
Gear up for the unexpected by always having insurances to cover your bases: car, health, life, and disability. Check out if you need life insurance here and how health to pay for health expenses here. Also save for life’s unknowns by having 3-12 months of living expenses saved for a rainy day. Here’s an easy guide to emergency funds.
3. Tweak your plans
I LOVE writing my plans and goals down, but when bad news strikes you need to adjust your goals, expectations, and plans. Think of goals as targets where you might not hit the bullseye, but it’s the direction you are heading. There are a lot of pit stops and delays that happen along the way as you pursue your dreams.
4. Trust that happy times are ahead
No matter how bad something is, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keeping going and moving forward; good times are just around the corner. Author Jeanette Coron said, ““Everybody goes through difficult times, but it is those who push through those difficult times who will eventually become successful in life. Don’t give up, because this too shall pass.”
Remember these four tips on what to do when you get bad news.