Want to learn how to pay off debt and invest?

best money class ever scholarship

Best Money Class Ever Scholarship

It’s giveaway time! Best Money Class Ever, my signature four-week personal finance class is back! Now you can enter to win a scholarship to pay for your class enrollment! Plus, check out other Black Friday Financial Deals and giveaways for the end of 2020 (can I get a halle freakin

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COVID-19 Brain

How to Deal with COVID-19 Brain (And Stress Less about Money!)

I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but if you’re feeling unproductive, tired, and scattered, you’re not alone! Inc. reported Neuroscientist, Hilke Plassmann, coined the term ‘COVID-19 brain,’ to describe the effect on the brain from prolonged stress and trauma with no end in sight. If you’re not feeling

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meal plan beginners

How to Meal Plan (For Beginners!)

What’s for dinner? This is a question you’ll no longer have to ask. Imagine it’s six o’clock and dinner’s already prepped and ready to go (every. single. night. of the week!). It’s possible when you meal plan. As a heads up, I know what you’re thinking: meal prep is only

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personal finance consultant

Want a Personal Finance Consultant?

If you’re ready for some money magic, money coaching slots are now open! Sessions now are only open once a quarter. Money coaching is like having personal finance consultant to help you get the results you want with money. It’s for you if you:   Want to stress less about

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Carly DeFelice

Hey I'm Carly!

You don’t need to figure this money stuff out on your own. I paid off over $35k and saved 100k by 26 (earning only average pay). If I can turn things around, you can too! All you need is a little education and a solid plan.

“I enrolled to gain confidence and remove anxiety around money” Charlotte

“I really enjoyed the enthusiasm and the way Best Money Class Ever helped me acquire a mindset to focus on money. Having a mentor and a process around something as important as money is really critical. Thank you for the guidance. I like the format and the presentations are very helpful.” Alex

kim best money class ever

Kim paid off $45k in 28 months

Jessica and Matthias best money class ever

Jessica and Matthias paid off $61k in 20 months

Loren and Bryce best money class ever

Loren and Bryce tripled their net worth in two years.

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